Sunday, April 11, 2021




Hi everyone welcome again to Maujanja zone, the place where you are going to learn on ways to make money online easily with weekly posts that contain everything you need to begin your journey into making your first dollar online, so stick with me in this post where we are going to see how to make money on YouTube.

YouTube has now became the best search engine online to look for videos of any kind, being it entertainment, educational, tutorials, v log or videos of any kind are available and you too can be one of the publishers of these videos and make a lot of money from it.

Before we go deep into this YouTube has set the prerequisites that should be met in order for a channel owner to start making money from his contents, and they are only two, and they are

1. to have 1000 subscribers and 2. is to have 4000 hours watch time from your videos in the past 12 months

So today I am going to share with you simple steps that you can follow to get into this business, in fact I have been through the same steps and I am now making money on YouTube, the steps are simple and are as follows:-

1. Find your niche

2. Learn about the subject you’ve chosen to be dealing with

3. Create content

4. Create your YouTube channel and Launch your first video

5. Track your achievements and improve


1. Find your niche

Selecting and deciding on what you are going to be dealing with is the most important step of them all, so make sure you decide on what you be able to constantly create or generate contents. This step also involve selecting the right title for your YouTube channel


2. Learn about the subject you’ve chosen to be dealing with

This is another important part where you research on the title you have decided to be dealing with, this involves also looking at what others of the same niche are doing.


3. Create content

This step now involves the actual process of creating videos for your audience, remember to create the best video you can so as to attract viewers to watch your videos and subscribe


4. Create your YouTube channel and Launch your first video

Now this is another part that involves creating the thumbnail for your video and publish your video,

1 comment:

  1. I'am interested on your blog congratulation for good work keep it up..
