Sunday, April 11, 2021




Welcome back everyone to Maujanja zone the place where people come to learn the ways to make money online easily on their mobile phones or computer.

So today we have brought you a post telling you how you can make money on forex. So let’s begin,

Forex stands for “Foreign exchange” which means that all that is happening in this game will be about exchanging currency, This business has been out there for so long but recently it’s has been popular way to make money by a lot of people because of companies so called “brokers” which help people who want to trade, they provide platform and interface that help traders see the market and catch any opportunities that arise from the market.

So the only way that people make money on trading is through predicting the future movement of the market by investing some money on the currency, so if prediction turns out to be correct the trader makes money and in turn if the prediction turns into a wrong direction then the trader loses money.

So the important thing here is to predict the market movement right, this is what brings people into the search for the best strategy to use in predicting the currency movement.

Now talking about strategy, strategy is the is the combination of rules and principles that guide traders on when to trade (predict), how to trade, and why to trade a certain movement,

So this is actually the most important thing to consider in order to make money on forex, because we don’t just trade but we trade wisely guided by couple of principles that lets us build profit over time and makes us money.

Having known that all you need to begin or get into the game is your smartphone, an internet connection and a company (broker) that you connect to, to see and execute your predictions, and last but not the least is the strategy as I talked before how it is the core for making you the profit.

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