Tuesday, January 26, 2021




Welcome back at Maujanja zone or if it’s your first time being here you’re in the right place where you are going to learn easy ways you can use to make passive income quickly

As we always tell ways to make money online doing the things you already do on the internet, which means that you don’t have to change your lifestyle to make money online, you’ll be doing the things you always do but in a way which is going to allow you to make money online

Now let’s see what we have today…



  1. Viral content
  2.   Affiliate program
  3.   Promoting apps

VIRAL CONTENT (using link shortener)

This is one way that can make you massive money online, the way this works is that as we know there are so many contents, articles, blog, videos that need viewers and visitors so with link shortener you will be linking people to a certain online content but first through advertiser’s site and then to the destination link

So, follow these steps and start making money online using Whatsapp through link shorteners:

  1.  -Visit URL-shortening websites (through this link)
  2.  -Register account using your email
  3. - Get the URL of any article, web page you want to share with your WhatsApp friends. thenPaste on the site and click on ‘SHORTEN URL’.
  4. - Now copy the shortened URL.
  5. - Send this URL to as many WhatsApp contacts of yours as you can
  6. - The more people click on the link to read the content, the more money you earn.
you can also join and earn a bonus of $1 clicking below:-

Affiliate program

Affiliate program is about promoting company products and receive a commission every time a person buys something through your link,

So you simply have to visit affiliate companies then register your account and choose the product you want to promote and you will be ready to make money online.